Photo/ ill: Alexander Kukharsky of St. Petesburg
Rainbow Culture Conference in St.Petersburg

Photo/ ill: Alexander Kukharsky of St. Petesburg
Rainbow Culture Conference in St.Petersburg

Photo/ ill: Belarussian Gay Amnesty group visiting schools

Photo/ ill: "Polish Rainbow Art"

Photo/ ill: Paul-Peter Hallberg/
Nazi & neo Nazi Persecution of Homosexuals exhibit

Photo/ ill: ?/
ILGCN delegates at world homo culture conference in Warsaw

Photo/ ill: Paul-Peter Hallberg
Delegates to ILGCN conference in Warsaw

Photo/ ill: Colin de la Motte-Sherman,
Germany/Nordic delegation to Auschwitz

Photo/ ill: Paul-Peter Hallberg/Nordic delegation to Warsaw
Tupilak members travelling to ILGCN conference in Warsaw

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Photo/ ill: Belarussian Gay Amnesty group visiting schools

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Photo/ ill: Colin de la Motte-Sherman, Germany/
Bill Schiller at Auschwitz wall of execution

Photo/ ill: Paul-peter Hallberg

Photo/ ill: "Polish Rainbow Art"

Photo/ ill: "Polish Rainbow Art"

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Krakow konferans för tolerans march och neonazi demonstration mot vår marsch maj 2004 Krakow Culture Days, conference and parade
, May 2004

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Krakow konferans för tolerans march och neonazi demonstration mot vår marsch maj 2004 Krakow Culture Days, conference and parade
, May 2004

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Krakow konferans för tolerans march och neonazi demonstration mot vår marsch maj 2004 Krakow Culture Days, conference and parade
, May 2004
Gay aktivisten Colin de la Motte-Sherman Berlin

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Auschwitz maj 2004 Rainbow delegation to Auschwitz May 2004

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Auschwitz maj 2004 Rainbow delegation to Auschwitz May 2004

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Auschwitz maj 2004 Rainbow delegation to Auschwitz May 2004

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Auschwitz maj 2004 Rainbow delegation to Auschwitz May 2004

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Krakow konferans för tolerans march och neonazi demonstration mot vår marsch maj 2004 Krakow Culture Days, conference and parade
, May 2004

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Krakow konferans för tolerans march och neonazi demonstration mot vår marsch maj 2004 Krakow Culture Days, conference and parade
, May 2004

Photo/ ill: "Polish Rainbow Art"

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ILGCN World premier gay drama literary reading

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Photo/ ill: Colin de la Motte-Sherman,
Germany/ Amnesty International at Paris Pride

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Kultur konferans i Sankt Petersburg Rainbow Culture Conference in St.Petersburg. Carl Johan Kleeberg från Humanisterna

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Kultur konferans i Sankt Petersburg Rainbow Culture Conference in St.Petersburg. Anna Linder gav seminarium om sin film som hon visade på kulturkonferansen

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Kultur konferans i Sankt Petersburg Rainbow Culture Conference in St.Petersburg Slava Boçnik ordförande för amnesti gruppen i Vitryssland och organisatör av Moonbow Minsk 2004

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Photo/ ill: ?/ Delegates to ILGCN world homo culture conference in Warsaw

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Representative from Zimbabwe's GALZ group receiving the 2005 'Sappho in paradise' award to its library project from Pradise Press

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British gay history book author

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Sue Sanders receiving the 2005 ILGCN Clio's Silver Cup for LBGT history work from Bill Schiller, ILGCN Information Secretariat

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Moonbow visit to Belarus Embassy in London trying in vain to hand over greetings to lesbians and gays in Belarus

Photo/ ill: Alexander Kukharsky

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Ian Steward secretary general of the ILGCN Literature Secretariat, London