ILGCN world rainbow culture conference guidelines

1. Conferences can be large and extend several days (such as world conferences in Warsaw and Stockholm) or be a small event for an afternoon at a small café (as part of or on the sidelines of another rainbow event) * in collaboration with stages in other cities * depending on the desire of local organizers.

2. To be chosen in good time (to permit desired preparation and publicity * complementing organizing efforts of the ILGCN and other host cities.

3. Publicity about coming stages should be spread in ILGCN's "Erato" and website, in the international press and in the publications/website of the hosts.

4. A conference stage is not a "foreign guest" but is to be in collaboration with local organizers and always include a rainbow culture seminar/workshop describing conditions -- past and present -- in the host nation.

5. When more than one stage is to be held in a year, local hosts are to make an effort to attend the other stages -- contributing with a seminar about rainbow culture in that host country and providing information about coming stages. When finances make this impossible, hosts should send messages of support and an update of progress for coming stages.

6. Each world conference or stage should approve:

a. Latest recommendations for new ILGCN ambassadors/co-ordinators.
b. Announce/present appropriate ILGCN awards (see website)
c. Reports from ILGCN Secretariats.
d. Future ILGCN world conference sites and other ILGCN events.

Bill Schiller, secretary general of the
ILGCN Information Secretariat in