Saturday, February 19, 2022

TUPILAK/ILGCN BELARUS CABARET (19.00-21.00) Saturday, February 26, 2022

Hjorthagen Culture Center
(no entrace fee, all welcome)

Salute to the late Tupilak-award winner, Lennart Leonora Fröstad

Swedish-Belarus rainbow co-operation over 20 years --
Bill Schiller, etc.
Music: Christine Zuwall, piano
Elise Streetway, song/guitar
Peter Fröberg, song/music
Robert Hill, song/guitar

Poetry: Tomas Åberg, Sweden

From the novel: Emil Åkerö, Sweden

LGBT in the Holocaust -- yearly anniversary.
Orpheo Iris Elogy (rainbow research in the Holocaust) -- October.

"Tupilak 30 Years" -- Willi Reichhold, Sweden
"When Harry met Santa" -- Norwegian Postal Service

Belarus/Swedish LGBT art/photos --
new foriegn additions to Tupilak/ILGCN International Rainbow Art & Photo Exhibition

Latest: Alberto Escobal, Brazil (Winged Angel with skull)

Photos: Lennart Leonora,, Peter, ,, , Robert, Bill,

Alberto Escobal, Brazil (Winged Angel with skull)

Tomas Åberg

Norway's Santa and Harry

Emil Åkero

Elise Streetway

Christine Zawall

Bill Schiller in Auschwitz at wall of execution

Robert Hill

Peter Fröberg