Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Конкурс журналiсцкiх прац

“Найлепшы журналіст-
барацьбіт з дыскрымінацыяй у
Беларусі – 2019”
Ініцыятыва “Журналісты за
талерантнасць” сумесна з Культурніцкай
ЛГБТ-арганізацыяй Паўночных
краінаў ТУПІЛАК сумесна з  і сайтам
Gaypress у восьмы раз абвяшчае
прафесійны конкурс на найлепшы
журналісцкі матэрыял на
антыдыскрымінацыйную праблематыку.
Аўтары найлепшых друкаваных і iнтэрнэт-артыкулаў і/ці фота-аўдыё-відэа
рэпартажаў, якія прасоўваюць ідэю роўнасці і недыскрымінацыі ўразлівых
сацыяльных групаў у беларускім грамадстве, будуць абвешчаныя 12 снежня
2019 года.
Пераможца конкурсу атрымае ганаровы дыплом і адмысловую ўзнагароду.
Чакаецца, што конкурсныя матэрыялы павінны з’явіцца ў прэсе ў перыяд з 1
лістапада 2018 г. па 31 кастрычніка 2019 года.
Матэрыялы конкурсу маюць быць скіраваныя на разгляд журы на электронны
адрас  info@j4t.by  з паметкай «Конкурс» не пазней за 1 снежня 2019 года.
Сярод пераможцаў конкурсу мінулых гадоў – Наталля
Касцюкевіч,  TUT.BY , Улад Швядовіч,  “Наша Ніва” , Вікторыя
Біран,  Makeout

Stockholm -- The Stockholm stages of the 4th Nordic Rainbow History & Culture Month - 2019 -- ended with body painting at the suburban culture center, Cyklopen, on October 22 (earlier reported) and at the city's Hjorthagen Culture center on October 28 and a private residence on October 29.
This was also part of the salute to the 1st Nordic Pride -- the aim of lifting Nordic LGBT co-operation as well as EuroPride, World Pride and Baltic Pride co-operation. This was also a salute to the 30th anniversary of Tupilak -- Nordic rainbow culture workers.
Co-organizers were the ILGCN (international rainbow culture network) Information Secretariat-Stockholm, Nordic Rainbow Humanists and Bears International.
Presentations, Music, Song, Art, Films

The Hjorthagen event included presentations from Swedish journalist, Anna-Maria Sörberg -- focusing on how right-wing movements in Europe have been eager to attract LGBT people in anti-democratic efforts; Jonas Naddebo -- openly gay Stockholm's culture commissioner -- who expressed support for the idea of a LGBT monument in the Swedish capital; the president of the Norwegian Bamse Bears organization talking about work with Russian, Ukrainian and Polish colleagues, Carl-Johan Kleberg of the Nordic Rainbow Humanists, discussing religious organizations persecution of LGBT rights, and Sweden's Anna Rosén and Katrin Forsmo -- describing their musical performance in the Nazi death camp years ago as part of the first official LGBT delegation to the camp.

Music, Song, Films, Art

Other performances included Swedish singers and song writers Elise Streetway, Jan Hammarlund, and Peter Fröberg.
Films screened included Willi Reichhold's "Tourist Dollar" -- describing discrimination and oppression in countries eager to attract tourists with tv advertisement on the BBC and CNN world services.
Art and photography displayed included works from all the Nordic nations and territories and several guest contributors from Belarus, USA. U.K., Germany, etc. to the Tupilak/ILGCN international art and photography exhibition.

An Ancient Celtic Award Named after the Devil

Diplomas handed out during the event included the Nordic Rainbow Humanist "Cernunnos" award to Sweden's Carl-Johan Kleberg -- for long support of LGBT rights and identity and named after the ancient Celtic god of wildlife, fertility and sexuality -- often depicted naked in the forest with a large erection and labeled "the devil" by the early, pious Christians.
The 2019 Cernunnos is shared with Norwegian humanist, Rolf Solheim for his year's long work with LGBT groups at home, in the Nordic neighbors of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and in Eastern Europe.
Also, Tupilak's "Bifrost" award entreated to John Earhart for his next visit Kiev to hand over to the Norwegian Embassy there for its support of LGBT Prides all over the Ukraine.
"Bifrost" is the old Norse name for the rainbow bridge linking the worlds of the gods to the people on Earth. Tupilak's Bifrost honors hetero and LGBT co-operation.
The October 29 follow up event included LGBT discussions and poetry, including from Tupilak poet, Tommy Åberg.
Other events planned to honor Tupilak's 30th year anniversary include a music cabaret with some who have performed for Tupilak over the years and a "Focus on the Image" -- a salute to Tupilak's art, photography and film.
"We hope more Nordic cities and towns join us next year for the 5th Nordic Rainbow History & Culture Month - October 2020 and the 2nd Nordic Pride," says Bill Schiller of the ILGCN and Tupilak, Nordic Rainbow Humanists and Bears International.

Photos by Alaa Haziem: Anna-Maria Sörberg speaking to the audience, Anna Rosén and Kartrin Forsmo, Carl-Johan Kleberg speaking to the audience, John Earhart, Jonas Naddebo addressing the audience, Peter Fröberg, Bill Schiller ready to hand over a diploma.

Other photos: Elise Streetway, Jan Hammarlund, Viking-age same-sex golden emblems.

Anna-Maria Sörberg speaking to the audience. Photo by Alaa Haziem.

Elise Streetway

Jan Hammarlund

Bill Schiller ready to hand over a diploma. Photo: Alaa Haziem.

Carl-Johan Kleberg speaking to the audience. Photo by Alaa Haziem.

John Earhart. Photo by Alaa Haziem.

Peter Fröberg. Photo by Alaa Haziem.

Anna Rosén and Kartrin Forsmo. Photo by Alaa Haziem.

Jonas Naddebo addressing the audience. Photo by Alaa Haziem.
Viking-age same-sex golden emblems