KIEV: A special salute to the Ukrainian Bears for organizing Bear events during the Eurovision Song competition May 12-14 in the Ukrainian capital - a great show of Bear visibility, identity and determination of being "part of the whole." A pioneering event for more "Bears on the Barricades" at future events..? For those of us who can't be there in person, we are with you in Bear spirit!
STOCKHOLM: The ILGCN Information Secretariat in the Swedish capital will join Tupilak (Nordic rainbow culture workers),
Bears International, Nordic Rainbow Humanists and others for the Wednesday, May 17 IDAHOT Day (international day against homophobia and transphobia) ceremonies -- with presentations, art, films, music poetry and with special salutes to colleagues in the homophobic dictatorships of Chechnya and Belarus. Old Town Secret Garden pub 19.00.
WESTPRIDE - GOTHENBURG: Bears International will have a seminar "Bears on the Barricades" in this Swedish west coast city on Friday June 9 (13:00).
ILGCN and Tupilak seminars on "Nordic co-operation with Eastern Europe" on June 7,on "LGBT Culture" on the 8th and on "Rainbow History" on the 9th.
BUDAPEST: Bears International will have a seminar "Bears on the Barricades" at the ILGCN's Rainbow Culture Conference
2017 in the Hungarian capital on 3-4 July -- part of Budapest Pride.
The program will include other seminars, poetry, art work, films, music and song, also including European Rainbow Humanists and the anti-facsist movement. (Detailed program coming.)
TALLINN: Bears International, ILGCN and Tupilak plan to participate in the annual, rotating Baltic Pride this time taking place in the Estonian capital, July 6-9. (Details coming,)
2ND NORDIC HISTORY RAINBOW HISTORY & ART MONTH -- October, 2017: Bears International will join with the ILGCN, Tupilak, Nordic Rainbow Humanists and others in the 13 Nordic cities -- on both sides of the Baltic Sea --.participating in this year's Nordic LGBT history and culture month.
Both Nordic and Bears outside the Nordic zone are welcome to Bear discussions in
Umeå -- October 1st (part of Umeå Pride), Stockholm -- October 3, Tallinn -- October 4-5, Rakvere, Estonia -- October 6-8 (Heartfest LGBT film festival),Stockholm -- October 10-12, Södertälje -- October 13-14 (Konsthall) (Tupilak art exhibition weeks 41 & 42!), Gothenburg --
October 15-16, Lund -- October 18-19, Malmö -- October 21-22, Reykjavik -- October 24, Vilnius -- October 25-26, Copenhagen -- October 28-29,
Helsinki -- October 30-31 (along side Nordic Council meeting), Åbo/Turku -- November 1 (monthly review).
BEARS INTERNATIONAL ART & PHOTO TRAVELLING EXHIBITION -- now in production with 95 cm x 65 cm works of the 5 (so far) winners of the Bears International art 2016 and 2017 diploma awards.
Want this in your future Bear event...?
Candidates wanted for the 2018 award winners!

Bill Schiller
(in Stockholm for the
Nordic region, West)

Andy Karmarenko
(in Kiev for the East)
Thomas Ifström
(for German-speaking nations)
Russian Bears: Vladimir Bob Lysenko (left) Moscow, Aleksei Grach, St. Petersburg
Waiting for you in Kiev

Bill Schiller
(in Stockholm for the
Nordic region, West)

Andy Karmarenko
(in Kiev for the East)
Thomas Ifström
(for German-speaking nations)

Russian Bears: Vladimir Bob Lysenko (left) Moscow, Aleksei Grach, St. Petersburg

Waiting for you in Kiev