Salute to those on the
"Rainbow Barricades in Eastern Europe"
Stockholm, Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Discussions of ongoing work, the importance of international LGBT co-operation, support for colleagues on the LGBT rainbow barricades in Eastern Europe, future strategies, and the use of rainbow culture as a powerful weapon against silence, intolerance and homophobia. Arranged by Sweden´s Green Party and taking place at the Swedish Parliaments´s Första Kammeren (the historic First Chamber, entrance Riksplan).
Opening Film (5:00 min.):
"LGBT Monuments" (from Visby to Berlin, Mauthausen to Barcelona)
by Willi Reichhold, Sweden
Opening Words:
Helena Leander, Swedish Green Party Parliamentarian
Introduction of the Speakers:
Bill Schiller, ILGCN (International Lesbian & Gay Cultural Network)/Tupilak (Nordic organization of LGBT cultural workers)
Robert Biedrón, LGBT activist and the first openly gay member of the Polish Parliament of the Ruch Palikota - Palikot’s Movement.
Barbro Westerholm, Swedish Liberal Party parliamentarian (recently speaking at the Polish Parliament).
Aleksandr Kukharskii, Russian gay organization "Kirilja" / Russian input at the ILGA European conference - Croatia, October 2013.
Martin Ugglas, Sweden's "East Group (Östgruppen)" focusing on Belarus, Russia, former Soviet states.
Aytan M.,"LGBT reality in Azerbaijan today, strategies for tomorrow".
Dzmitry Karmazin, Belarus exile radio station "Radio Racyja".
Cecilia Rosing, Civil Rights Defenders (Sweden): "Behind the Russian propaganda laws: the rise of LGBT-grasroots and a larger trend of repression".
Ömer Akpinar, Web editor of "Kaos," Turkish human rights organization, Ankara.
Monica Collins, "Tupilak delegation to Kiev Pride, 2013"
20 minute intermission, with film (5:00 min.):
ILGCN Swedish, Belaruss, Ukrainian happening - Kiev
Ulrika Westerlund – President of RFSL (national Swedish LGBT organization) "Strategies for the Future."
Israel Young – Folk Lore Center, Stockholm "Culture vs. intolerance"
Henrik Husgavel – Novel Travel: "The importance of international exchange: Breaking the isolation."
Bill Schiller – Tupilak/ILGCN culture in Eastern Europe/rainbow culture at World Pride-Toronto, 2014.
Closing comments:
From Russian, Belarus, and Turkish guests, others.
Closing film (5.00 min.):
"Nordic, Eastern European Rainbow Art & Photography – On the Road"
Rainbow cultural and solidaritet happening at the Folk Lore Centrum (Wollmar Yxkullsg. 2 – T-ban MariaTorget). Art, photos, films, music, poetry. Songs by Robert Hill and Anders(Brazil) Ödvall. And a salute to the world-wide colleagues honoring the International Day Against Facism.