Riga, April 18-21, 2013
April 18, 18:30 – 20:30
"Humanism vs. Religious Dragons/European Rainbow Humanists" -- Rolf Solheim, Norway
April 19, 18:30 – 21:30
International Live Rainbow Museum
Latvian Presentations and Performances:
Anna Jurkovska, a popular photographer and Jolanta Cihanovica, a public person, will present the pilot photo-project "Men, women, angels"on people, individuality and gender.
Olga Helly, an artist, will present her popular LGBT comic strip.
Katrina Gaile, an artist, and Jade, a genderqueer graphic artist, will present their art.
Jolanta Cihanovica, an actress, will give a performance
Ieva, a journalist from a popular Latvian magazine.
Special guest: Olga Kononova (a transsexual women and Work of Art herself)
Film: selections from a Czech TV programme “Q” about Olga Helly’s dolls and LGBT
culture in Latvia.
International Presentations and Performances:
Belarus: Rainbow in chains -- Belarus LGBT Journalist Network
Rainbow culture & history -- Tupilak/ILGCN
>Nordic Rainbow co-operation with Eastern Europe - Tupilak/ILGCN
A summary of "Humanism vs. Religious Dragons/European Rainbow Humanists" -- Rolf
Solheim, Norway
"Nordic Rainbow Islands & Remote Regions" -- Mariahamn-Stockholm
archipelago-Visby -- Tupilak/ILGCN.
Peter "Sexodus" Fröberg - songs and music from Sweden
The Mad Monk of Sweden -- a rainbow monologue
Short films: "LGBT Monuments," "Survival" by Willi Reichhold, Sweden
Travelling Tupilak & ILGCN Rainbow Art & Photography Exhibition


Art from Serbia



April 20 23:00 – all night, at the Golden Club

The Q-party is a possibility to dress up for the party, wearing what you have always wanted to wear, but have not had a place to come in such an appearance. People can become Art, using themselves as the creator, the creating and the creative process. A costume competition in the following categories: drag kings, drag queens, carnival, subcultures, BDSM and freak out. Everyone is free to choose whether to participate in the costume competition or just to enjoy the party. The party will be held in two languages – in English and Latvian. After the costume competition we’ll have music and fun!
Very Welcome!
-- Yolanta and Olga in Riga, Rolf in Oslo, Journalist Network in Minsk, Bill in Stockholm