Wednesday April 22, 2009 19.00 www.tupilak.org
Musik Valvet Kåkbrinken 5 Gamla Stan, Stockholm
(a few steps away from the exit of the "Old Town" tube station)
Preliminary program:
- Jenny Gabrielsson -- song and music
- Peter Fröberg -- music and song
- "LGBT films at major film festivals" -- Marit Kapla, director of the Gothenburg International Film Festival
- "Tupilak and ILGCN (International rainbow cultural network) Events 2009"
- from Riga to Krakow, Visby to Bucharest, Gothenburg to St. Petersburg
-- Bill Schiller, Tupilak chairman and secretary general of the ILGCN Information Secretariat - Stockholm - "News from Rainbow Colleagues in Belarus* -- Yury Kazhura, Tupilak international secretary.
- Bastian Damascus "Flowers of the Cock" -- dance-performance
- Tupilak award ceremony
Wine at budget prices!
(No entrance fee, but donations appreciated to help cover the rent!)
NOTE: Short Tupilak steering committee meeting at 18.00. (Open to all members as well.)
Supporting Tupilak, ILGCN: Nordic Rainbow Council, Nordic Rainbow Humanists
Tupilak has members in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland. Iceland, Åland, Faroes, Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania.